Weston Park is a Grade I Listed landscape managed by the Trustees of the Weston Park Foundation. It is of historic landscape significance due to the late C18th landscape associated with Henry Bridgeman, Capability Brown and James Paine. Capability Brown created a design for pleasure grounds to the east of the house Temple Wood, which was implemented albeit subsequently modified. There were several significant Victorian additions and areas were planted with forestry trees in the late C20 by the 6th Earl of Bradford. The Parkland has an intensive programme of events,including the V-Festival & the West Midlands Game Fair; these attract high numbers of visitors. The key challenge has been to balance sustainable management and preservation of the historic landscape with the high levels of public usage.
We have produced a management plan for the parkland and Temple Wood. A detailed work programme was devised and we have been involved in delivering this work for 10 years. Much work has been done to clear overgrown walks and vistas in Temple Wood, and planting to restore elements of the Brown landscape has begun.