024 7692 0217enquiries@treeandwoodland.co.uk




The Wootton Estate covers approximately 1800ha of which 340ha is woodland. The woodland is now almost exclusively coniferous, planted onto sites which were previously semi-natural woodland; however some pockets of ancient woodland still remain. The long term plan of the estate is to return the well established plantations, now approaching maturity, to irregular sustainable woodland, providing magnificent sporting and landscape opportunities.

We were commissioned to prepare a woodland management plan to achieve these aims, and to deliver the work recommendations detailed within it.

Over an 18 month period 13,000 tonnes of timber were removed from the under-thinned woodland, and 30,000 tree and shrubs under-planted to initiate the process of growing on the next generation of woodland trees.

Key services;

  • Woodland management plan
  • Harvesting contractor engagement and supervision
  • Timber marketing
  • New woodland design
  • Planting and plant maintenance contracts
  • Deer management
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